Engines come in all shapes, sizes and arrangements and for me to say I could rebuild any engine, given enough time, wouldn't be a lie. It's just there are plenty of people and businesses who specialise in particular engines. Therefore, if I know of someone somewhere with more knowledge and experience with your particular engine, I’ll point you in their direction. That being said, I've spent a lot of time working on XT500s, other big thumpers, twins, v-twins, the odd inline four and am no stranger to how the engineers and designers of Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki and Suzuki go about their business.
When I take on a full rebuild, I leave no stone unturned and anything I find to be questionable will be examined and measured in detail. If I find it to be unserviceable it will be replaced and if it is not perfect, but still within tolerance, I’ll contact you before re-assembly to see how you wish to proceed. All parts will be thoroughly cleaned and inspected. Those that will benefit from a round in the ultrasonic (crankcases, heads, etc.), will be ultrasoniced. It’s also worth mentioning that this is the perfect time to think about the cosmetics of your engine. If you’re having a full rebuild, for a little extra, I can blast and repaint your cases, head and barrel assemblies (or bead blast if they are to remain bare), as well as have bolts, nuts and brackets re-plated. If you feel as if your engine is in need of a rebuild, get in touch with me to discuss your options.